suspected unexpected adverse drug reaction
Unexpected incident that is suspected to be associated with the acquisition, testing, processing, storage or distribution of cells or tissues that, at any dose, could result in death or life-threatening, disabling or incapacitating illness, the transmission of communicable disease or might result in, or prolong, hospitalization.
misstänkt oväntad biverkning [SWEDISH]
Oväntad incident som misstänks vara associerad med förvärv, testning, bearbetning, lagring eller distribution av celler eller vävnader som, oavsett dos, kan resultera i dödsfall eller livshotande, invalidiserande eller invalidiserande sjukdom, överföring av smittsamma sjukdomar eller kan leda till, eller förlänga, sjukhusvistelse.
Definitions have been translated into the Swedish language from the following sources: