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Finance and partnerships to build an ATMP

Finance, partnerships, knowledge - what support is out there?

Register here;

Where: Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2, Lund, Sweden

This event brings examples of strategies for getting the right funding and the right partnerships for moving Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) from research ideas to clinical products. Hear about the experiences of academics and SMEs who are on the path to the clinic and what big pharma companies are looking for when scouting external innovations.

There will also be a networking event aimed at partnering academics with commercial expertise.

Whether academic, SME, big pharma or investor there is something for you at this free event!


13:00 – arrival mingle and registration

  • indicators on name badge for clinical phase, cell/gene therapy and indication
  • flyers to add to notice boards

13:30 – welcome from Medicon Village

13:35 – Setting the scene

Early Innovation support;

  • 13:40 – Åsa Wallin – Swelife
  • 13:45 – Karin Hultman – Novo Nordisk Foundation – researcher funding
  • 13:57 – Giles Dudley – Bio Innovation Institute (BII) – funding/accelerator programs – entrepreneur start up focus
  • 14:04 – Niccolò Bacchi – Novoseeds – Early stage Venture Capital – Funding for projects (Universities/Startups)

Big Pharma

  • 14:10 – Ryan Hicks – AstraZeneca

Funded ATMP Projects;

  • 14:20 – Rula Zain – Karolinska Institutet – Swelife project
  • 14:30 – Cristiana Pires – Asgard Therapeutics – Academic Incubator support to commercialise
  • 14:40 – Patrik Malmunger – St Eriks Eye Hospital – Philanthropic Investments
  • 14:50 – Cecilia Götherström – BOOSTB4 EU funding

15:00 – Question time with all speakers available on stage

15:10 – fika and networking

  • speakers separate to specific tables for discussion
  • time to browse notice board flyers

16:00 – carpool to NLSdays

16:30 – Nordic Life Science Awards Presentation

18:00 – NLSdays welcome get together at Malmömässan

This event is sponsored by Medicon Village, Swelife and Bioneer.

For more information please Contact Heather Main

Make sure to register for NLSdays to attend our Beyond Phase I session also! ATMPs at NLSdays 2019