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New national planning project


Advanced therapies for future Healthcare

At the end of 2018, Vinnova granted funding to an 8-month planning project “Advanced therapies for future healthcare”. The project is one out of 15 projects in a new program called “Visionsdriven Hälsa” (vision-driven health), which aims to support the development of innovative forms of long-term collaboration towards shared visions and goals within specific fields of health and life sciences.

More information about the program can be found on Vinnova’s web site

The project “Advanced therapies for future healthcare” is made up of 14 partners across healthcare, industry and academia as follows;
RISE, CellProtect Nordic Pharmaceuticals, CellSeed, Combigene, GE Healthcare, University of Gothenburg, Immunicum, Karolinska University Hospital, Läkemedelsindustriföreningen (LIF), NDA Group, NextCell, Verigraft, SKL, Region Västerbotten and Västra Götalands Region (VGR).

Together with other relevant stakeholders the project will ensure a shared vision and strategy between ATMP relevant Swedish organisations and will identify their complementary and synergistic strengths towards a bold national vision for the ATMP field in a 10-20 year perspective. The group will formulate specific goals and objectives towards the vision, and innovative collaboration forms to achieve these. At completion the planning project is expected to submit a proposal for a continued, longer-term project.

Contact: Jukka Lausmaa