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Input welcomed on draft report on health economy and business models for ATMP


Swelife-ATMP project SDP3 invitates comments and input on implications.

Draft Report on Health Economy and Business Models for ATMPs.


The Swelife-ATMP project SDP3 started November 2018. The focus of the project is to address barriers around valuation, payment models and affordability of ATMPs in order to promote successful development and implementation of ATMPs in Sweden. The project team has a wide range of competences and represents many different organisations:

Coordinator: RISE

Organisations: Swelife-ATMP, KCC, KI, LIF, NT-Rådet, IHE

SME: XNK Therapeutics, Idogen, NextCellPharma

Regions: Akademiska Sjukhuset, Region Skåne, Region Örebro, Region Västerbotten

Big Pharma: Pfizer, Novartis

Target groups for the project and the report includes: Academic groups and start-ups, SME, Innovation support system, Big Pharma, Health care personnel, Regions/Payers, Politicians, Authorities, Patient organisations.

The report includes different sections; some written as textbook material and information for developers, and others written to elaborate on challenges and solutions in relation to HTA (health technology assessment) of ATMPs.

The project team has decided to share the draft report, both to make it available to ongoing initiatives within this field and to give our target groups the possibility to participate in the process. As we see it the final report will not be the end result of the project, but a start of continued activities and concrete actions to develop this area further.

While a panel of experts has been assembled to comment on the report, the project group would like to widen access to the draft and ability to comment to ensure the final report addresses the broadest relevance.

The draft report and appendixes will be available till the 30th of August 2020 after which time the final report will be uploaded on the SDP3 project page.