Regulators expect
What do regulators expect from companies?
Organization and Management
- Follow national requirements (and local requirements if available/applicable)
- Having a defined roles and responsibilities in corporate organisations
- Having one responsible person (QP for GDP)
- A compliant quality manual
- Organogram (Organisational chart)
- Responsible person with duties defined in the job description
- Overall GDP training and specific training on applicable procedures
- Training records archived for the required time mandated by the regulators
An example of Responsible Person job description:
- Trained in Quality Management System
- Authorised activities & records maintenance
- Training (design of training program and continuous training of personnel)
- Recalls/Returns/Complaints management
- Qualifying suppliers & customers
- Technical agreements
- Self-inspections
- Product description
- National law requirements
Quality system
- Controlled documents management
- Deviations to be recorded
- Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)
- Returns/complaints/recalls recorded and handled according to the regulations
- Regular audits
- Having a Quality Risk Management system
- Management review
- Monitoring of temperature and humidity
- Stock segregation
- Returns/rejects
- Fire protection
- Security
- Warehouse management system
- Qualification/validation
- Drivers trained
- Temperature control/monitoring
- Vehicle tracker
- Vehicles served
- Backup vehicle
- Security
- Cleaning
Shipping container and labels dispatch and receipt
- Suitable for use, clean and labelled
- Special conditions on label
- Procedures for damaged shipments
- Know the points for dispatch and receipt in the warehouse
- Have good documentation including environmental conditions
- Traceability along route
- Schedules and route carefully thought through
- Procedures for receipt
In transit
- Security of shipment
- Full documentation to allow swift passage
- Product protected
- Special conditions to be supplied in documentation
- Deviations noted and reconciled
- Procedures for setbacks
Audits and Self inspections
- Procedures on Audits
- Audit schedule
- Performed by company to assure adherence to company procedures, technical agreement and local regulations
- Independent review and audit
- Results recorded and CAPA tracked
- Management involved in the whole process
- Procedures/records/agreements for handling product and product information
- Follow good documentation practices
- Process to generate and approve documents
- Limited and by approved entities
- Procedures to differentiate types and focus on distribution only
- Impact on other batches
- Follow up action
- For product complaints, notify manufacturer
- Counterfeits: communicate with authorities and manufacturer
- System in place with procedures
- Responsible person keeps track
- Communicate with manufacturer and authorities
- Make system workable and check (try a mock/drill recall)
- Segregate recalled materials
Returned products
- Procedure on returns
- Responsible person
- Segregated from regular stock
- Only put back into stock when confirmed acceptable (hold in quarantine)
- Destruction in controlled conditions
- Documentation of acts of destruction made
Supplier/Customer Verification
- Procedure on supplier/customer verification
- Licenses in place for manufacturing/handling/distribution medicinal products
- Documented approach
- Periodically checked for license
- Procedure on handling counterfeits
- Responsible person keeps track
- Goods despatch/receipt
- Segregate from authentic (clearly labelled)
- If confirmed, do not sell but report to authorities
- Destruction in controlled conditions
- Documentation of acts of destruction made
- Know where the product is coming from and going to
- Temperature/humidity conditions
- Duration
- Security
- Sending and receiving party appropriately licensed for the medicinal product supplied
- Check local regulations
- Lawyers involved
- Due diligence audit
- Technical agreement
- Periodic third-party audits
- Track and document progress of issues
- Avoiding counterfeits