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placebo effect [ENGLISH]

Sometimes people taking a study medication receive benefits that are not from the chemicals in the medicine. This is called a “placebo effect.” For example, if a participant feels hopeful about a treatment, he or she may be more likely to notice positive changes than negatives ones. A researcher’s hope may also sway a participant’s response. Double-blind research design helps minimize the placebo effect.

placeboeffekt [SWEDISH]

Ibland får personer som tar en studiemedicin fördelar som inte kommer från kemikalierna i medicinen. Detta kallas en "placeboeffekt". Till exempel, om en deltagare känner hopp inför en behandling, kan han eller hon vara mer benägna att märka positiva förändringar än negativa. En forskares hopp kan också påverka en deltagares svar. Dubbelblind forskningsdesign hjälper till att minimera placeboeffekten.


Resources and references

Definitions have been translated into the Swedish language from the following sources:

  1. 1. American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Glossary
  2. 2. Clinical Trials Information System
  3. 3. EMA Glossary of Regulatory Terms
  4. 4. EMA Medical Terms simplifier
  5. 5. Glossary of Terms used in EU Clinical Trials Register
  6. 6. Glossary of Terms U.S Food and Drug Administration
  7. 7. National Human Genome Research Institute “Talking Glossary of Genomic and Genetic Terms”
  8. 8. The Glossary for Advanced Therapies Regen. Med. Dec 2020 Vol. 15 No. 12 Suppl. 1
  9. 9. Toolkit For Patient Focused Therapy Development Glossary

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