Current initiatives
There are currently many National supported initiatives active in different aspects of ATMP development in Sweden. These projects focus on different aspects of ATMP development in Sweden and engage relevant stakeholder groups. More information about each project can be found on the links below including relevant contacts for that project.
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in understanding better where your ATMP activities may best fit in the Swedish ATMP ecosystem.
Advanced bioproduction by continuous bioprocessing.
AI-based QC method of cells for ATMP manufacturing.
Nordic infrastructure for development, manufacture and commercialisation.
Digitalised AI tool for safe ATMPs
Tillgängliggöra Svensk ATMP forskningsinfrastruktur.
For safer, more efficacious and accessible AAV gene therapy.
Regional ATMP knowledge centers and contact points for Swedish healthcare.
Technology solutions for hPSC derived cell therapy manufacture.
Towards enabling industrial scale production of ATMPs
For novel, safe, affordable and curative cancer treatments.
Doctoral program in preclinical and clinical advanced therapies.
Säkerställa hållbar forskning, translation, behandling och Regionala samverkan
Increasing access to high quality, commercially relevant iPSC start material
Network for clinical implementation and followup of CAR T medicines.
A better place to test your research
An expert function in cell therapy and ATMP activities