Here you will find links to reports published by our projects.
Patient- och närstående- samverkan för bättre forskning och hälso- och sjukvård
Lägesrapport och kartläggning av utbildning och framtida kompetensbehov inom ATMP
Yearly report of Nordic ATMP status, completed July 2022 by the ATMP2030 National Coordination activity
Yearly Nordic ATMP report July 2022
Read about the Swelife-ATMP initiatives towards identifying ATMP specific gaps in law, ethics and regulation, as well as identifying specific needs within healthcare, business, research and industry.
Infrastructure report completed March 2021 from the ATMP2030 Innovation Milieu Industrial development activity.
Commercial aspects report completed December 2020 by the Swelife-ATMP health economics project.
Utmaningar och möjligheter för stamcells-baserade läkemedel i Sverige och karta över etiskt och legalt ramverk.
Swelife-ATMP Gene Therapy report completed February 2020 on opportunities and challenges in Swedish gene therapy.
Pilot Study of a Swedish Institute for Cell Therapy published late 2017.
Report on RISE ATMP pilot study_exklAppendix3