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European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP)

European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance [ENGLISH]

A network of European centres in the fields of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance, which aims to strengthen the postauthorisation monitoring of medicines by facilitating the conduct of multicentre, independent, postauthorisation studies focusing on safety and on benefit-risk balance. It is coordinated by the European Medicines Agency. Abbreviated as ENCePP.

European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance [SWEDISH]

Ett nätverk av europeiska centra inom farmakoepidemiologi och farmakovigilans, som syftar till att stärka övervakningen av läkemedel efter auktorisation genom att underlätta genomförandet av oberoende multicenterstudier efter auktorisation med fokus på säkerhet och nytta-riskbalans. Det samordnas av Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten.


Resources and references

Definitions have been translated into the Swedish language from the following sources:

  1. 1. American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Glossary
  2. 2. Clinical Trials Information System
  3. 3. EMA Glossary of Regulatory Terms
  4. 4. EMA Medical Terms simplifier
  5. 5. Glossary of Terms used in EU Clinical Trials Register
  6. 6. Glossary of Terms U.S Food and Drug Administration
  7. 7. National Human Genome Research Institute “Talking Glossary of Genomic and Genetic Terms”
  8. 8. The Glossary for Advanced Therapies Regen. Med. Dec 2020 Vol. 15 No. 12 Suppl. 1
  9. 9. Toolkit For Patient Focused Therapy Development Glossary

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