ATMP2030 Innovation Milieu launch
What is it and and how can you engage?
The core team of the Vision Driven ATMP2030 Innovation Milieu welcomes you to a seminar about this new national initiative and how you can engage.
This seminar will be held in Swedish
Date: Tuesday Nov 17 2020
Time: 3 pm (15:00) – 4 pm (16.00)
Location: Zoom Webinar (link will be announced via e-mail to registered participants)
Registration through ATMP Sweden 2020 – now closed
The ATMP2030 Innovation Milieu strives to gather the Swedish ATMP community around a common vision: By 2030 Sweden is a leader in development and implementation of advanced therapies to cure patients.
Sweden has several of the attributes required to achieve this ambitious vision, for example: high-quality research and a promising pipeline of translational projects the field, a growing number of ATMP-developing SMEs, an excellent health care system, and a tradition of constructive national collaboration. But, in order to become a leader we must address and overcome critical challenges, barriers and gaps in our ATMP ecosystem.
The ATMP2030 Innovation Milieu initiates and coordinates activities around the identified challenges, and engages organizations and stakeholders from multiple sectors to find solutions by new and flexible ways of collaboration. In this seminar you will hear about some different key stakeholders’ perspective on the field and its challenges, and get an introduction to what the ATMP2030 Innovation Milieu is doing and how you can engage.
The ATMP2030 Innovation Milieu is financed by VINNOVA (dnr: 2019-04510) and additional information can be found at
The seminar will be held in Swedish.
Preliminary program;
15:00 Inledning, Jukka Lausmaa, Projektledare ATMP2030 Innovationsmiljön
Presentation slides; IntroVDH_17Nov20
15:05 Visionsdriven Hälsa, Elisabet Nielsen, VINNOVA
Presentation slides; Elisabet_Nielsen_Vinnova
15:15 LifeScience-kontorets arbetsgrupp Precisionsmedicin och avancerade terapier, Frida Lundmark, koordinator
Presentation slides; Frida_Lundmark_LSK_AG_ATMP
15:25 Hur arbetar Läkemedelsverket med ATMP, Gunilla Andrew-Nielsen, Läkemedelsverket
Presentation slides; Gunilla_AndrewNielsen_LV
15:35 SKRs perspektiv på ATMP, Sofie Alverlind, SKR avd Vård & Omsorg
Presentation slides; Sofie_Alverlind_SKR
15:45 Frågor och diskussion, moderator Kristina Kannisto
16:00 Sammanfattning och avslutning