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ATMP Sweden 2021

Learnings from 'gene delivery' COVID vaccines relevant to ATMP

The focus of this years ATMP Sweden conference is to extract learnings from the development and implementation of ’gene delivery’ COVID vaccines relevant to ATMP gene therapies.

It has been over a year that the world has battled with the COVID19 pandemic and effective vaccine technologies have been developed at record speed, in many cases due to adoption of new ’gene delivery’ vaccine technologies eg. mRNA or adenoviruses. What do we know about these recombinant gene delivery vaccines and how does this relate to Gene Therapies?

See the program here!

Expected audience diversity: We expect a broad International audience, using as a base our ATMP world tour that attracted viewers from 23 countries over 5 continents. Individual sessions are targetted to public, patients, regulatory, academic, manufacture, industry, healthcare workers and public authorities.

The online format is ideal for a diversity of topics and target groups. Attend the sessions you are most interested in live and you can come back to the others as recordings for one month after the event.

Big thanks to our sponsors!

The event is hosted by ATMP Sweden through joint engagement of the Swedish national initiatives the Centre for Advanced Medical Products, Swelife-ATMP and the ATMP Innovation Milieu. Big thanks to all who contributed with the program development!