Clinical Process Map
Welcome to the landing site for the ’Clinical needs’. Your role is to ensure that the medical need behind the product is valid, that patients can be screened/recruited and that hospital infrastructures for implementation are in place, for collecting donor material, running clinical trials, interacting with industry and delivering market approved medicines. You also have an important role in ensuring healthcare budgets are suited to accepting curative, one time ATMP treatments.
Below you can see our ’process map’ that shows what you need to be considering at what stage of ATMP development. There are other process maps for manufacture, regulatory, product developer and commercial needs, that can give you tips on how to address these needs in your team. The objective here is to have the right people considering the right things at the right time to ensure that your ATMP pipeline moves forward as effectively as possible, good for patients in need, good for your pocket to not waste money and time on inefficiencies.
1. Research Adaptation
2. Process Qualification
3. GMP Manufacturing
4. Clinical Trials
5. Market Approval and Reimbursement
6. Standard of Care
1. Research Adaptation
Goal: Develop clinical trial strategy
1. Guide: Ansvar och roller för ATMP2. Guide: Tillståndskarta för hälso- och sjukvård
3. Guide: Sjukhusapoteksfunktionens roll vid Avancerade cell- och genterapier
Tools & Tips
Contact your local ATMP Centre! -
2. Process Qualification
Goal: Prepare clinical infrastructure
1. Hospital pharmacy and/or dose preparation capabilities2. Legal aspects around agreements and regulatory interpretation
3. Guide: Märkning av celler och vävnader inklusive ATMP:
Tools & Tips
Check that patients need/want the medicine you are offering -
3. GMP Manufacturing
Goal: Clinical trial protocol submitted
1. Qualification of clinics2. Clinical study protocol for ATMP
3. Clinical trials applications and essential documents
Tools & Tips
Increasing competencies of staff for ATMP handling -
4. Clinical Trials
Goal: Safety and efficacy proven!
1. Adapt potency testing to reflect clinical outcomes2. Effectivise clinical processing and delivery of the product
3. Patient reported outcomes for Quality of Life measures
Tools & Tips
Horizon scanning for healthcare budgets -
5. Market Approval and Reimbursement
Goal: Healthcare prepared for coming ATMP modalities
1. Prepare hospital pharmacy for commercially approved medicine2. Engaging leadership/KOL to establish national infrastructure 'Marknadsavtal'
3. Process for patient eligibility and payment
Tools & Tips
Healthcare and public education on coming medicines -
6. Standard of Care
Goal: Healthcare able to provide equitable access to patients in need
1. Collection and reporting of data for conditional approval2. Submit to relevant registry (national and international)
3. Establish and share treatment guidelines
Tools & Tips
Maximise effective and affordable patient access for improved life quality
Research Adaptation
- Unmet clinical need
- Clinical strategy Ph I/II/III patient populations and trial size. Identify efficacy. Consult MPA
Indentify training in QA and regulations, tailored for ATMP organizations, and associated consulting expertise service provider
- Proper identification of the patient group, the realistic size of the group and the anticipated time line for completing a study when applying inclusion/exclusion criteria and logistics. It is not rare that the list of eligible patients is not as long as anticipated when all factors for possible inclusion and treatment are fulfilled.
- Means for transport/storage/handling in clinical setting.
- Delivery device – MPA product/CE marked.
- Optimise product for clinical success
- Identify clinically relevant mutations for start material, product and disease
- Strategies to avoid immune rejection or unwanted side effects.
- Identify clinically suitable tools/devices
- In vitro v in vivo dose response assays
- Identify suitable human biomarkers for measuring safety and efficacy
- Clinical suitability of donor testing, health declaration
- Tissue procurement suitability for pharmaceutical manufacture. Sustainability of procurement.
- Quality agreement with MPA/LV tissue establishment
- Pseudonymisation and labelling of material to enter an MPA/LV tissue establishment
- Appropriate formulation/composition for drug product and dose preparation. Pharmaceutical grade components?
- Determine route of administration and delivery device
- After discussion with regulatory bodies, determine preclinical safety studies
- GDPR requirements in regard to donor consent, testing and start material
Process Qualification
- Identify and prepare suitable clinic for dose preparation and in use stability
- Clinical site accreditation
- GCP for ATMPs
- Clinical trials and animal study design – consult MPA
- Clinical trials permit
- Hospital ATMP centre engagement – hospital pharmacy function priority and preparation advice
- MPA permit to dispense and dose prepare pharmaceutical
- Hospital ’studieråd’ clinical trials study council
Product Manufacture
- Discuss CTA with MPA
- Clinical Trial Application submission with safety/release data on clinical product
- Arbetsmiljöverket application for gene therapy clinical trials – clinic and pharmacy
- Develop informed consent for trial participants
- Clinical Study Protocol
- Clinical trial authorisation
- Ethics approval sponsor and site
- Validate transport, hospital pharmacy intake
- Validate dose preparation and delivery dose.
- Effect data
Clinical Trials
- Hospital implementation and clinical trial
- Patient recruitment
- Patient consent
- Patient reported outcomes
- Safety First In Human
- Dose finding, size and number, tolerable dose, (side effects) v effective dose
- Documenting efficacy and relevance – comparison to something (placebo, SOC)
- E-CRF (electronic case report form) – safety data, medical history
Market Approval and HTA
- Cost/benefit versus existing treatments
- NT-Rådet informs hospital pharmacy of health economic evaluation to accelerate patient access
- Hospital pharmacy routines for transport, storage, equipment, capacity, procurement, cost followup
- Quality and delivery agreements between hospital and pharmacy function
- Engaging healthcare leadership and KOL to establish national infrastructure ’Marknadsavtal’
Clinical Routine
- Secure health budget and implement
- Region allocates budget
- Develop process for treating patients – requirements from EMA and accreditation requirements
- Treatment guidelines
- Register (national and international)
- Hospital pharmacy requests from distributor
- Hospital pharmacy receives and dose preparation
- Collection and reporting of data for conditional approval
- Safety and pharmacovigilance reporting
- Cost effective treatment provided
- side effects, reporting, followup