VOG Cell


VOG cell represents cell therapy expertise in the Council for Organs, Tissues, Cells and Blood (Vävnadsrådet) at the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR/SKR). In 2008, when the Cell and Tissue Directive was implemented, the government provided support to build up facilities and train staff to meet the new regulations. For cell therapies, VOG cell took up this role, with representatives at each of the University Hospitals. The group works to support regions in matters relating to cell therapy quality, safety and regulations, including EU directives and Swedish legislation. A part of this is driving competence development initiatives, external monitoring and acting as a referral body. Within VOG Cell there is both a steering group and a project group that meet regularly. The steering group meetings are also attended by representatives from national initiatives such as ATMP2030, CAMP and the hospital ATMP centers. VOG cells works to create collaboration between healthcare, industry and academia, to enable development of innovative treatment methods.

Coordinator:  Uppsala University Hospital 

Partners:The group consists of representatives from University hospitals in  Stockholm, Uppsala, Gothenburg, Örebro, Lund, Linköping and Umeå. 


  • external monitoring
  • acts as a referral body
  • training and skills development
  • support in cell therapy quality, safety and regulations
  • support regional adoption of cell therapy

Contact:  Chairman Alexandra Karström, alexandra.karstrom@akademiska.se  

Website:  www.vavnad.se  

Cell – Vävnadsrådet (vavnad.se) 

Read more about the origins of the group Who is VOG cell and what are they doing now? | ATMP Sweden