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CAMP update

CAMP highlights of the last 3 years.

CAMP welcomes you to a seminar updating on our projects and technologies driving ATMP development.

This seminar will be held in English

Date: Friday Nov 20, 2020
Time: 9:00 – 10:00
Location: Zoom Webinar (link provided via e-mail to registered participants)
Registration through ATMP Sweden 2020 – now closed 

CAMP is a Vinnova funded project focussing on the science and technology required to translate ATMPs from lab to clinic, including bioprocess development, GMP production and logistics. CAMP drives collaboration between researchers, GMP competent resources, industry and hospitals.

Over the last 3 years CAMP has established infrastructure, both physical and virtual, to drive development of products and technologies critical for future successes in ATMP. Several projects have even produced an ATMP for delivery to patients under clinical trials.

We invite you to learn more about the CAMP project and what has been achieved thus far in this update webinar.

CAMP is financed by VINNOVA Dnr 2017-02130 and additional information can be found at their project page.

The seminar will be held in English.


9:00 – Welcome and background to CAMP, Mikael Wiberg, CAMP board Chair

presentation slides; MikaelW_Intro_201120

9:05 – Introduction to CAMP structure,  Jukka Lausmaa, Centre Director

presentation slides; JukkaL_CAMP_overview_201120

9:15 – Process Development (WP1) update, Stefan Scheding

presentation slides; Projekt presentation WP1 201118 final compressed

9:25 – Infrastructure for GMP manufacturing (WP2) update, Pontus Blomberg

presentation slides; CAMP WP2 20201120 Blomberg

9:35 – Quality control, shelf life and logistics (WP3) update, Jim Lund

presentation slides; 20201120 CAMP WP3 logistics

9:45 – Questions and discussion, moderator Paul Kingham

10:00 – Summary and closing