Working groups
Discussions have been going on behind the scenes as to the best way to formulate working groups, to ensure the detail is not lost in the plethora of ATMP modalities and the groups can be convened and run sustainably. The status of the working groups is as below.
- Patient access – Viktor Dansk/Åse Rosenqvist, Björn Skölving, Fredrik Jerhammar, Astrid Wirén, Kinga Täckström, Peter Carlqvist, Peter Hertzman. Suggested additions: Mikael Svensson, Peter Lindgren and Linus Jönsson.
- HE models suitable for ATMP modalities
- Payment models suitable for ATMP HE assessments
- Integrating education around ATMPs into existing training programs
- Feeding information back to early stage developers
- Women in advanced therapies – Jenny Stjernberg, Jennifer Rosendahl, Lucienne Vonk, Ila Jasra and Ewa Ellis. Suggested additions: Evren Alici, Darcy Wagner, Angelica Loskog and Kinga Täckström
- Recognising the benefits of diversity and supporting its implementation
- Enabling academic ATMP developments – Henrik Moller Thomsen
- major gaps in the bench to bedside pipeline eg. researchers, developers/PD, manufacturing and treating physicians.
- working to solve these gaps through information, education and “match making”
- Chemistry Manufacturing and Control (CMC) – Lilian Walther Jallow, Erik Steffensen, Anna Pasetto, Zhong Yu, Ila Jasra, Anna Renglin Lindh.
- Nordic collaboration – Jes Lauritzen/Chemometec, Seppo Yla-Herttuala, Erika Gurzeler-Tiihonen – Finland, Lucy David, Alice Giraud – Cytiva, Luisa Lundin, Eva-Karin Gidlund – NorthX Biologics, Bo Wiinberg, Lise Gehl Svendsen – Novo Nordisk Foundation Cellerator, Jim Lund, Fredrik Wessberg – CCRM Nordic, Jesper Hedberg – Testa Center, Charlotte Schönbeck – Getinge, Malin Kele – Biolamina, John Coleman – YSDS, Xx – Biotage, Mathias Krieger – FinVector
- ATMP-KIDS – Annakarin Svenningson, Kerstin Sollerbrant, Oskar Ahlberg
- Gene editing – suggested additions: Per Rexen, Luke Pase, Ibrahim Domian, Simona Graziano, Maria Sobol
- Patient organisation engagement – Dag Larsson, Ahmed Elserafy, Suggested additions: Fredrik Östman and Mats Jerkeman.
- Patients contributing to product development and clinical trials design
- Access to information on therapeutic options and clinical trials
- educating on what ATMPs are with real world examples of medicines developed in Sweden/in trial/market approved
- bring in as many patient foundations as possible to discuss setting up a platform where patients/public can find information about ATMP clinical trials and ask questions about unproven therapies or stem cell tourism. Examples…
- establish a ’buddy’ system where we have an ATMP ambassador for each patient foundation who provides a yearly update on what is happening in the space
- couple to companies developing in the space – medicine design, valuable clinical outcomes
- establish a patient registry where individuals can submit their interest to be consulted about medicine development relevant to them. This would be a bit of a match making service to ensure that the volume of patient perspectives needed are engaged