CAMP Organisation

The strategic management of the Centre is undertaken by the Executive Board, chaired by Mikael Wiberg (Region Västerbotten) and consisting of representatives from CAMP partners across the healthcare, industry and academic sectors. The Centre is coordinated by Umeå University, which has appointed Paul Kingham as Centre Coordinator. Operative management is carried out by a Program Office led by the Centre Director, Jukka Lausmaa (Umeå University) and Scientific Director/Deputy Centre Director, Pontus Blomberg (Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset).

Mikael Wiberg

Executive Board Chair

Jukka Lausmaa

Centre Director

Pontus Blomberg

Scientific Director

Our International Advisors are;

  • Michael May – Center for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine, Toronto, Canada
  • Karin Hoogendoorn – head RA CMC at Galapagos, The Netherlands
  • Mark Lowdell – Royal Free Hospital, London, United Kingdom
  • Seppo Ylä-Herttuala – University of Eastern Finland, Finland
  • Roke Oruezabal – Andalusian Initiative for Advanced Therapies, Spain

Who is involved?

Program Office

The National Contact point coordinates running of the projects. Read here for more information.

Executive Board

Decisions concerning new members are taken by the Board. Read here for more information.

General Assembly

The GA appoints the board at a meeting held once a year. See who is involved.