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Sweden invests in innovation hub for advanced therapies


Enabling industrial scale production of mRNA and DNA based ATMPs and vaccines

The 15th of October the Swedish government, through their Life Sciences department (Näringsdepartementet), announced a 36 million SEK investment to the Swedish Innovation agency (Vinnova) to establish an Innovation hub enabling production of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) and DNA and RNA based vaccines. Vinnova will work alongside NorthX Biologics in Matfors, Sweden, to establish an open platform for collaboration with Biotech companies and other stakeholders in Sweden, the Nordics and Internationally towards the industrial scale manufacture of these advanced medicines.

NorthX Biologics, owned by Flerie Invest, have the exceptional abilities of former Cobra Biologics staff back in the Swedish Investment portfolio. The NorthX Bio facility will continue to produce DNA and proteins at industrial scale but will now also open activities in mRNA manufacture and in the future other types of ATMPs.

For more information see the following press releases;

Svensk satsning på innovationshubb för att möjliggöra produktion av avancerade läkemedel och vacciner –

Microsoft Word – Major investment to etablish a Swedish innovation hub (