Become a partner


Our ’time to connect’ sponsorship packages include one slide with no audio or animation/movement that will be played for 10 seconds in a 2 minute rolling slideshow at the start of each presentation and 4 minutes at the end. Over 12 presentations this is 6 minutes of exposure per sponsor to a broad International audience.

”Time to Connect” – each package is worth 10,000 SEK (1,000 EUR)

In addition, sponsor logos will be added to this webpage, the program and a single webpage link will be added under the rolling slideshow on the streaming page.

Expected audience diversity: We expect a broad International audience. From previous world tours we had registrants from 23 countries over 5 continents and over 2000 views. Individual sessions are targetted to public, patients, regulatory, academic, manufacture, industry, healthcare workers and public authorities.

URLs of confirmed sponsors: Symcel, Janssen-Cilag, Miltenyi Biotec, Gilead/Kite, Anocca, Key2Compliance, AstraZeneca.