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Innovation Milieu workshops

Towards making Sweden world leading in ATMP by 2030 – together for the benefit of patients!

Each workshop is designed to bring together critical actors in a suitable environment towards initiating innovative solutions to important challenges in our field. These initial discussions will set the stage for larger more inclusive activities to come!

Onsdag 18:e Nov 13:00-14:15

Payment models for ATMP – what is happening?

Host: Sofie Alverlind, SKR

Invited stakeholders: Mikael Svensson, SKR; Anna Alassad, TLV. Seminar was open, with registration.

The issue at hand: TLV is commissioned by the government to develop health economic assessments and payment models for ATMP:s. SKR is commissioned by its Congress, to develop new payment models for innovative medicines. SKR and TLV, together with two regions, run a joint project where payment models will be explored in a pilot setting.

The outcomes: To meet the interest for this topic, TLV and SKR gave an update and responded to questions from a large group of participants.

ATMP Sweden betalningsmodeller 201118

Torsdag 19:e Nov 13:00-15:00

How is it looking for ATMP based clinical trials in Sweden?

Host: Ann Novotny (VGR)

Invited stakeholders: Gunilla Andrew Nielsen (Läkemedelsverket) as well as representatives from Kliniska Studier i Sverige (KSS), Apotekarsocieteten and Swedish hospitals.

The issue at hand: Right now it is very difficult to increase the number of Swedish hospitals participating in clinical trials due to a lack of facilities and competent personel. This workshop aimed to come up with solutions for this. How can Sweden prepare for greater activity within ATMP clinical trials? What conditions do we need to create to ensure that, even if we increase the number of trials, we are able to maintain a high quality of studies?

The outcomes: Participants reflected over the challenges and hurdles towards having more ATMP clinical trials performed in Sweden. Participants then discussed how they could work together to get make it possible for more trials to initiate in Sweden, while maintaining high standards of quality. It was raised that there is a great need for ATMP suited infrastructures in hospitals and that collaboration and dialogue between the regions will be required to maintain the value of equal care opportunity. Establishing a concensus position and initiating a National collaboration on both clinical trials and market approved ATMPs was identified to be critical to this. This was determined to not only be positive for the patient in need to receive treatment but essential to making Sweden attractive to companies who would receive a clear picture of how Sweden handles ATMP clinical trials. The outcomes of the meeting have been summarised into a working document containing a list of actions. These actions will be followed through within the ATMP Innovation Milieu. Participants plan to meet again in May/June 2021 to present their strategy for development at the National and Regional levels.

Get involved: The summary document will be distributed soon and will welcome dialogue and input towards driving these activities forwards.

Torsdag 19:e Nov 14:30-16:00

Increased capacity for industrial development and manufacturing of ATMPs in Sweden

Meeting type: workshop, closed, english

Host: Jim Lund (RISE)

Ambassadors: Karin Agerman, Michael May, Louise Warme, Johan Hyllner

Short description of important questions: Sweden is looking at different infrastructure models for supporting manufacture and commercialisation of ATMPs. A Nordic Center of Commercialization (CCRM) hub is being discussed which relies on a strong industry consortium, a network of scientific excellence and a close relationship with life-science investors in order to become effective. This workshop will discuss which aspects of different commercialisation support models would fit the Swedish ATMP ecosystem towards a tailored approach. As the topic is increased capacity for industrial development and manufacturing this workshop is primarily aimed at developers of ATMPs and enabling technologies.

What will you get from the workshop: Status update on the thinking around different infrastructure models and opportunity to discuss how to proceed and how to be involved.

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